Plenty of you reading this probably spend an hour or more driving each day. Some of you will have gotten into traffic accidents, too, and …
Synced Friendship Lamps
Long-distance relationships are notoriously hard. Though we have more technological tools for communicating now than ever before, they all …
Camera / Smartphone Stabilizer
It's debatable whether the "art" of the selfie and the plethora of Youtubers these days are a good thing. However, cheap yet capable …
Smoke Waterfall Censer
Many people sincerely believe in the benefits of aromatherapy. One way of experiencing these effects is by burning incense – at home, in …
Guayusa Tea
In recent years, the concept of nootropics has become far more acceptable. Whereas they used to be associated mainly with the cyberpunk and …
Bullet Resistant Clothing
Statistics that a person in the U.S. is only slightly more likely to die in a traffic accident than from a gunshot wound. Given that it's …
Minc Foil Applicator Kit
Some people find doodling in the margins of a notebook to be all the creative expression they need. Others spend hours each week making …
Vortex Coin Bank
This is by no means a new concept, but it is arguably evergreen. Whether in encouraging your child to develop the habit of saving or …
GeoSafari Sound Sleuth
We at are always interested in anything educational or ecological, and observing wildlife in the wild certainly is both. This gadget adds …
Personalized T-Shirt
Do you have someone in your life that you just can't seem to find the perfect gift for? That guy with weird interests, an eccentric sense of …
Mr. Ellie Pooh Paper
Most people think of elephants as roaming the African Serengeti, but in South Asia, they've been used as work animals for centuries. More …
Magnetic Sculpture Kit
Even with the best of intentions, all of us sometimes find our attention wandering while working or studying. When this happens, the best …
COGZ Board Game
Seriously, if you still think that board games peaked with Monopoly (and you're older than 12), you have another think coming. COGZ has now …
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
How Relative Humidity Affects Work
With the possible exception of a certain green cartoon character, nobody would call a swamp their favorite place in the world. For that …
Street Cleaning Simulator
A lot of things have been simulated in video games: aircraft, racing cars, running a business, even a person's whole life. I guess game …
LED Shower Heads
We're pretty sure that the idea of decorating your bathroom as a disco has never crossed your mind, but now that someone has suggested it, …
3D Printing Pen
3D printing seems to be all the rage these days: geeks of all stripes might not know exactly what they'll use it for, but they're all …
Michel Thomas Language Courses
Michel Thomas worked for the French Resistance during World War II, was arrested several times, tortured and sent to concentration camps, …
Drill Doctor Bit Sharpener
If you're a contractor or avid DIYer, this gadget will certainly save you money and reduce the aggravation of doing a job with a tool that …
What Does a HEPA Filter Do, How Does It Work?
If you or someone you know has asthma, allergies, or a weakened immune system, you've probably heard or read about HEPA filters. You might …
Portable Espresso Maker
Weighing less than a pound and a perfect size for tossing into a backpack or even handbag, this espresso maker requires nothing more than …
Is Compressed Air Safe to Use?
Many engineers are attracted to air compressors due to their reliability, low cost, and ability to do so many different things. However, …
Standing Desks
How Long do Germs Live on Surfaces?
Germs – they're everywhere. A single milliliter of "fresh" water might contain as many as a million bacteria, while even NASA's clean rooms …
The Health Risks of Prolonged Sitting
Everybody knows that physically active people have significantly better cardiovascular health. Every doctor in the world will advise you to …