Although people who actually got seriously ill were the ones who suffered most during the coronavirus epidemic, runners didn't have it all that easy either. Pounding an , assuming you even have …
5 Leg and Butt Sculpting Trampoline Exercises
The idea that exercise should be torture is outmoded at best. There's no reason not to have fun while getting your heart pumping: put on a virtual reality headset while sweating on a stationary bike, …
Choosing a Treadmill for Running
A treadmill can be a wonderful thing to have when the weather turns nasty, you don't have much time, or you want to take a more scientific approach to cardio/endurance training. If the last one you …
Using a Heart Rate Monitor for Exercise
All right, your heart rate monitor has arrived, you've become a card-carrying member of the Fitbit crowd, and you've bragged about it to all your friends, colleagues and random people you've met on …
Percussion Massage Benefits, Risks, and Usage
It's no secret that a good massage, whether done by hand or by using devices designed for the purpose, leaves you feeling invigorated; it relieves pain and can speed recovery from injuries, chronic …
The Best Cardio Exercises to Do At Home
Can't afford to go to a gym or buy expensive fitness equipment? Want to stay fit but don't have the time? Just do your cardio exercises at home! They are fun, simple to do, and cost next to …
Are Treadmills a Substitute for Outdoor Running?
Anyone who remembers their high school physics (F = m.a, E = F.s, and so forth) will probably guess that running on a treadmill should be a lot easier than covering actual miles you can count on a …
The Right Number of Steps to Take Each Day
Sports scientists and personal trainers actually disagree on a great many important things. Even so, most of them will tell you that if you want to burn fat fast, you should aim at either: …
How Accurate is a Wrist Heart Rate Monitor
If you care enough about your health and/or fitness to be thinking of buying a heart rate monitor, you may also care enough to want to know which you can trust to give a correct reading. There are, …
A Beginners Guide to Camping
Before anything else, I want to begin by saying that the best way to survive in the wild as a newbie is to bring a lot of the comforts of the indoors with you. This isn't about backpacking through …
Why Air Mattresses Deflate Overnight
All pressurized containers that are made out of polymers will lose air over time – including car tires, balloons, and air mattresses. Even if your air mattress is apparently airtight, gas molecules …
Camping Air Mattresses – Pros and Cons
If the only air mattresses you've ever used were those manufactured more than about a dozen years ago, you might still be thinking of them as difficult to blow up, prone to leaks, and really not all …