With all the stress 2024 has placed us under, we all really need a bit of relief. If you often develop tension in your neck and shoulders, you’ll simply love this heating pad from Huggaroo.
What makes it unusual is that it’s stuffed with a whole laundry list of seeds and herbs that give off a pleasant aroma for even more thorough relaxation.
To use it, simply microwave for two minutes, wrap it around your neck, and enjoy the sensation of your muscles and your blood vessels being relaxed by the warmth.
It remains hot for about 20 minutes and wits firmly enough to wear while relaxing in front of the TV or even walking around the house.
Its surface is made out of extremely soft yet durable velour fabric and, at almost four pounds, it provides a calming massage effect (though you may want to combine it with something like the Invospa shoulder massager if that is what you’re after). It stays in place without any problems whatever your size and extends well up the neck for maximum coverage.
This scented, weighted scarf is also suitable for wrapping around other parts of the body – it’s been known to help with everything from monthly cramps to stiff joints to sore muscles and headaches.
If needed, it can also be left in the freezer to serve as a cooling pad, though it doesn’t work as well as a real ice pack.
Though this product is mainly marketed to women, men who have tried it certainly enjoy it too. Unlike some similar products, the smell is natural but not overpowering, and though the color scheme is a little girly, this shouldn’t pose any problem when you’re using it at home.