Did you know that the surface of the Moon has been explored and mapped more thoroughly than our own planet’s seabed? Chances are very good that within only a few miles from your home you can enter a completely alien world.
Physics seems to work differently underwater, and you can see things that you’ll never find in the dry world. More importantly, it’s a lot of fun to play and explore in. Up to now, the easiest way to do so was snorkeling. Unfortunately, doing this requires you to be in fairly good physical shape and there’s something of a learning curve involved.
With the Subwing, though, anyone can “swim” underwater as if they were Michael Phelps.
Subwing Maneuverability
The vehicle is towed behind a boat and steered by moving the wings manually. This is quite easy and intuitive, and if you need to take a breath, you can get to the surface in seconds.
It works well enough at speeds of up to 5 knots, although going any faster than that will make it difficult to control or even hang on to.
The pilot will normally hang on to the leading edges of the wing, but a trailing strap is supplied as well. You’ll simply grab this if you need one hand free, for example to use a camera or hold your nose while equalizing (blowing air into your pinched-off nose and inner ear to compensate for the pressure underwater), although it’s not possible to steer the subwing from this angle.
To see what it can do, though, just have a look at Subwing’s promo video:
Also Works with Slower Boats
This is a nice add-on for people who’d like to enjoy water sports but don’t have a boat capable of the speeds needed for waterskiing or tubing. With this, even a relatively low-powered motor will do the job. You can also tow multiple people easily and safely, allowing them to do aquabatics and experience something like the joy of dolphins swimming in a pod.
Of course, you’ll need to live close to a clear body of water, but if you own only a small fishing boat or motorized canoe, your friends or kids will almost certainly fall in love with this thing.