Does Bigfoot smell like blueberry bushes and spring rains, or perhaps more like a wet llama? It may be some time before we have conclusive evidence on the subject, but surely he will tell you that there’s no better way to relax after a long day of dodging tourists than a deep, hot bath.
No doubt, this is the soap sasquatches prefer for that purpose. Handmade from completely natural ingredients and scented with pure essential oils, it cleanses your skin without the dehydrating properties of normal, mass-produced soap – if you’ve never used real glycerin soap, you’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes.
Also in contrast to detergents made from petrochemicals, it contains a high proportion of plant oils that nourish your skin, making it smoother and more supple and even less prone to conditions like eczema.
While most people would describe the scent as manly, there isn’t any real difference between masculine and feminine fragrances when you get right down to it. In any case, while it’s certainly detectable and lingers on your skin for quite a while after showering, the aroma isn’t overpowering, making this skin care bar suitable for people of either gender.