To start off, I should mention that I’m not a medical doctor and, in fact, not all that smart. The following makes sense to me though: humans have evolved in a way that makes their biochemistry mimic that of the earth itself.
This implies that the mix of minerals found in soil, and in sea water after being washed away, is roughly the same as that in our bodies. This has some interesting implications; everybody knows, for instance, that the correct ratio of potassium to sodium in your diet is important to your heart health. Your nervous system also relies on having the right balance of ions (and charged proteins, but let’s not get technical).
If you’re not getting in the right nutrients, this can easily manifest as a skin condition, disease, or even mental illness. Much of how this actually works, apparently, relies on micronutrients: apart from alphabetically-named vitamins and major minerals, your body may also require small amounts of things like lithium, gold, and even arsenic to work correctly. These are chemically stripped out of most salt you can buy.
Salts Feed Through the Skin
Here’s the thing, though: apart from eating your vegetables, you can suck up nutrients through your skin, even just by taking a dip in the ocean. Many spa treatments make use of this fact. This goes directly into the bloodstream.
Don’t take my word for it, but if you are feeling sluggish, sad, or angry, all you may need is a warm bath with the necessary minerals dissolved in it – all of which happen to be present in unrefined sea salt.
While most bath salts are formulated mainly to smell nice, this brand focuses on providing a mineral-rich bathing experience. Taken from the Dead Sea, which has long been a destination for people suffering from various ailments, it’s subject to only a minimum of processing (which is probably why the manufacturer tells us not to cook with it – we’ve seen better salts for that).
So, while we don’t dispense medical advice on this website, we think you might like to try these bath salts, particularly if you have a skin condition.
You can use it either in the tub or to make your own facial scrub, and while the (natural) smell isn’t all that pleasant, we think that you’ll find soaking in this relatively inexpensive sea salt mixture relaxing nonetheless.