Who are the people we prank?
Are they people we like?
People we really hate, but have to pretend we like?
Think long and hard about that before you consider putting this Scary Peeper gag to use. Because I honestly think catching a glimpse of this ugly mug through the bedroom window could kill someone from fright alone.
The concept is pretty simple. The gag itself consists of the face, hands, and hood of a scaly-looking fellow. The sort that’s not allowed within a mile of a kid’s playground.
You use it by sticking it up on the outside of someone’s window (suction cups attached) or anywhere else that you plan to scare someone. Then, in the dark or out of the corner of their eye, they’ll spot Mr. Creep here and most likely skip at least one heartbeat.
The best effect will probably come from sticking it on a window covered by blinds or curtains. When your “friend” pulls back the shades they’ll catch the peeper right in the act, and hopefully survive the ordeal.
The price of the gag does not include anything towards sleepless nights or therapy. Then again, if you can bear not witnessing the moment of terror, no one has to ever know you were the one to lay this particular trap.