The idea of “going organic” can mean vastly different things to different people, from a necessary and reasonable step to improving your well-being to sheer pretentiousness. In some cases, certainly, it’s really just a question of personal preference, with no real relevance to your health.
At other times, though, choosing to ditch artificial chemicals may be the only rational choice. Take underarm deodorants, for instance: the skin is an organ of absorption as well as excretion. Sometimes, like when using high-quality bath salts, this works in your favor.
It may be that chemical deodorants are a lot less benign: they typically contain aluminum salts, which have been linked to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, along with a number of solvents and chemicals that certainly don’t benefit your body and may do significant harm over the long term.
Artificial deodorants definitely interfere with your skin’s ability to get rid of waste products: over time. They tend to close up the pores of your armpits, not to mention ruining your skin’s pH balance. This encourages the bacteria that eat your sweat and actually produce the stinkiness to thrive.
As a result, people switching to natural deodorants often sweat much more than usual for the first week or two – you may want to try this experiment while you’re on holiday or working from home. After your body has gotten rid of built-up toxins, however, things soon normalize, and most people who have taken the plunge report that they actually get better, longer-lasting results than with even clinical-strength deodorants.
One thing this particular brand has going for it is its consistency. While many organic options are either too hard or too goopy depending on the temperature, this remains easy to apply year-round.
You only need to use a tiny amount, so each deodorant stick lasts far, far longer than what you’re probably used to and is much less likely to leave stains on your clothing.
Finally, the scent is much more pleasant than most options you’ll find at the supermarket and, though subtle, lasts the whole day. Based on essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus, this fragrance is suitable for both men and women.