Dogs are naturally protective of their pack, including the two-legged members. This means, to them, that they have to warn strangers away from their territory, which may extend beyond your enclosed yard.
Their concern with your safety is one of their best attributes, but when frustrated, it can lead to a variety of behavioral problems, including excessive barking, listlessness and aggression (not to mention sending them into traffic).
Even if things haven’t gotten to this point, your pooch will almost certainly be a lot happier if they feel included in what’s happening beyond your fence.
At any rate, this knowledge may prevent them from turning into a little muddy-pawed escape artist.
This doggy window’s dome shape accommodates a snout and also lets the dog see to the sides instead of just straight ahead.
You will probably notice them spending hours just surveying the neighborhood and being a lot less bored.
Though this doggy porthole is better made than most competitors, the clear acrylic is not indestructible: a kid who chooses it to test out a cool-looking stick they found may well damage it. Also, while it’s fairly easy to install in a wooden fence using a jigsaw and four bolts, it’s not worth getting if you have a brick wall.
Finally, the fact that this window is only 10″ (25 cm) across makes it suitable mainly for small to mid-sized breeds.
These imperfections aren’t the end of the world, especially at this price.
Dogs as well as cats love it, it won’t affect your privacy unless passing pedestrians are willing to kneel down, and all your pet-parent friends will ask you about it with envy in their voice.