One of the happier consequences of the coronavirus pandemic was that and other diseases were registered all over the world. Clearly, …
How to Make Running on a Treadmill Less Boring
Although people who actually got seriously ill were the ones who suffered most during the coronavirus epidemic, runners didn't have it all …
5 Leg and Butt Sculpting Trampoline Exercises
The idea that exercise should be torture is outmoded at best. There's no reason not to have fun while getting your heart pumping: put on a …
18 to 35 lbs Kettlebell
A set of kettlebells is a wonderful thing, especially for core exercises. The problem is that there's no convenient way to store them, not …
Home Exercise Set
Most people could do more to lose weight, look and feel better, and enjoy better health. Unfortunately, many of them lack the motivation, …
Wrist Exerciser
aren't actually magical, but watching one in action definitely gives the impression of sorcery being afoot. This cool-looking exercise …
Choosing a Treadmill for Running
A treadmill can be a wonderful thing to have when the weather turns nasty, you don't have much time, or you want to take a more scientific …
Using a Heart Rate Monitor for Exercise
All right, your heart rate monitor has arrived, you've become a card-carrying member of the Fitbit crowd, and you've bragged about it to all …
Tabletop Ice Hockey Game
No matter how great tablets and their various game apps become, there will always be a place for non-electronic games you can only play …
Golfing GPS
People go to all kinds of lengths to improve their handicap: , , and (occasionally) scheduling work around tee-off time instead of the other …
Runner’s Backpack
When participating in a road race or fun run, you can generally expect to find a water point every couple of miles. Even if you're just …
Golf Ball Highlighting Glasses
Unlike with , golfers mostly take up the game in earnest at an age where their eyes aren't what they used to be. This often means having to …
Desktop Greenhouse
Any interior space without something living and green in it always seems a little sterile. It even smells worse than the verdant outdoors. …
Himalayan Salt Block
We at All the Stuff have previously talked about and how, contrary to what high school chemistry would lead you to expect, compared to …
Percussion Massage Benefits, Risks, and Usage
It's no secret that a good massage, whether done by hand or by using devices designed for the purpose, leaves you feeling invigorated; it …
The 10-Minute Morning Routine for Men
Guys, we've all had mornings like this. You wake up, check the time, and yell out a brief but heartfelt appeal to the god of your …
The Basics of Weather Stations, and How they Work
Much of what influences your local weather can't be seen or felt - at least, not with any degree of precision. Yet, even if we're not …
Run Less, Run Faster
It seems like everyone and his aunt has an opinion on the right way to exercise. Many of these notions are, of course, contradictory, but …
Outdoor Basketball
An athlete can be only as good as his training, which includes many hours of practicing with the right equipment. It's difficult to imagine …
Running Belt
We all need exercise, but some can be really discouraging. Despite the many benefits of a good run, it comes with plenty of aches, pains …
Home Sprinkler System Design
Your garden should be one of the best features of your home. Even the most beautiful modern house will seem sterile and gloomy if it's …
Patio Heaters
Hurricane Survival Guide
Few things can be quite as frightening as being stuck in the middle of a hurricane. In fact, research suggests that of those affected …
Guide to Xeriscape Landscaping
Fresh, unpolluted water is a limited resource. Droughts and shortages are already commonplace, and the situation is only likely to worsen in …
Electrical Pruning Shears
Many people are middle-aged when they first take up gardening. Sometimes it's been a lifelong hobby. At some point, sadly, your body …
Adjustable Dumbbells
Many people prefer to for various reasons: feeling uncomfortable about the current shape of their body, convenience, perhaps not liking …
Underwater Tow Board
Did you know that the surface of the Moon has been and mapped more thoroughly than our own planet's seabed? Chances are very good that …
Golf Putting Trainer
It's no secret that mastering the game of golf is a long, difficult process. It's far from uncommon, even for people who started playing as …
Video Camera in Disguise
As someone who used to work in the security industry, I often find myself evaluating the safety measures of any building I enter. Here's a …
Air Pollution Facts, Causes and Effects
Breathing freely is important; in fact, it's something most of us make a point of doing. It's even made its way into our vocabulary: a …
3D Wind Spinner
When it comes to decorations that are in any way kitschy, I'm usually not a fan. However, when something is handmade, creative, …
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Explained
There are, unfortunately, plenty of things in everyday life that can kill you. A traffic accident, slipping in the shower or choking on a …
Are Treadmills a Substitute for Outdoor Running?
Anyone who remembers their high school physics (F = m.a, E = F.s, and so forth) will probably guess that running on a treadmill should be a …
The Right Number of Steps to Take Each Day
Sports scientists and personal trainers actually disagree on a great many important things. Even so, most of them will tell you that if you …
Indoor Worm Composting Bin
Here at All the Stuff, we're pretty generally interested in environmental issues, and we like to think some of our readers are as well. The …
Ideal Resting Heart Rate for Your Health
The first thing this article should make clear is this: there really is no "ideal" resting heart rate that applies to everyone, even people …
How Accurate is a Wrist Heart Rate Monitor
If you care enough about your health and/or fitness to be thinking of buying a heart rate monitor, you may also care enough to want to know …
Heart Rate Monitors
Mobile Home Gym
What if I told you that it's perfectly possible to get a heart-pumping, de-stressing, muscle-building workout in only 15 minutes? You …
Camping Air Mattresses – Pros and Cons
If the only air mattresses you've ever used were those manufactured more than about a dozen years ago, you might still be thinking of them …
Air Mattresses